Bulgaria (BG)
Accepts ATA Carnets for Commercial Samples, Professional Equipment, and Exhibitions and Fairs
Apply Today
ATA Carnet Guarantee Association
Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry
9 Iskar Street Sofia 1058
Tel: (359.2) 8117.551, (359.2) 8117.406, (359.2) 988.45.05
Fax: (359.2) 987.32 09
Email: atakar@bcci.bg
Website: http://www.cni.org.br/
Embassy in the US
Embassy of Bulgaria
3330 Garfield Street NW Washington, DC 20008 USA
Tel: 202.387.0174
Fax: 202.234.7973
Website: http://www.bulgaria-embassy.org/
U.S. Commercial Service Export Assistance Bulgaria Country Portal
Download the Bulgaria Country Guide
ATA Carnet Specifics
At this time there are no specific requirements for entering Bulgaria on an ATA Carnet.
Trade Shows
INTRONIKA: International Industrial and Professional Electronics Trade Show
IFAM: International trade fair for automation, robotic, and mechatronics
EE&RE and Smart Cities: International congress and exhibition on energy efficiency and renewable energy sources