Andorra (AD)
Accepts ATA Carnets for Commercial Samples, Professional Equipment, and Exhibitions and Fairs
Apply Today
ATA Carnet Guarantee Association
Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Services of Andorra
C Prat de la Creu Despatx 204-205 AD500 Andorra la Vella
Tel: (376) 80.92.92
Fax: (376) 80.92.93
Embassy in the US
Embassy of Andorra
Two United Nations Plaza 27th floor New York, NY 10017
Tel: 212.750.8064
Fax: 212.750.6630
U.S. Department of State Andorra Country page
Andorra Country Guide
ATA Carnet Specifics
- Andorran Customs does not allow Live Animals to enter Andorra on an ATA Carnet.
- Circuses will be accepted only if there are no accompanying animals.
Trade Shows
: At this time there are no known trade shows in Andorra.